雅思口语考试part 1在口语考试里面,属于整个口语考试环节中最轻松的了,考官在这个过程中会和你聊聊最日常的话题,最贴近生活化的答案就是最好的。来和新东方在线雅思一起来看看雅思口语part 1话题库。
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e.g.: Do you like advertisements on TV?
What kinds of advertisement do you like the most?
Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? What are the various places where we see advertisements? How do you feel about advertisements?
Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?
Related vocabulary and phrases:
flyer, billboard, commercial, public service advertising, pop-up ad,
creative, catchy, impressive, persuade, potential customers…
以上就是2021雅思口语考试part 1常见话题库中关于广告相关的话题库例子,2021雅思口语考试的烤鸭们快来查收吧。